
They Dare To Speak Out
People and Institutions Confront
Israel's Lobby
by Paul Findley
(member of U.S. House of
Representatives for 22 years)
Lawrence Hill Books, 1985,
paperback (2003)

Shortly after World War II, a small
band of United States partisans for Israel marshaled self-discipline
and commitment so effectively that they succeeded in ending free and
open debate in America whenever Middle East issues are considered.
Their primary goal was to assure broad,
substantial, unconditional, and ultimately blind support for Israel
by the U.S. government. In seeking that goal, these partisans forced
a severe anti-Arab and anti-Muslim bias into U.S. Middle East policy
that has since raised costly economic, political, and military
barriers to the American national interest. The most harmful part of
this process was the disappearance of unfettered discussion of the
United States' relationship to the Arab-Israeli conflict. These
biases and restrictions, though unwritten, are as effective as if
they had been carved in stone. Even in the legislative chambers on
Capitol Hill, the nation's highest and most hallowed halls of debate,
discussion on the Middle East is virtually nonexistent.
AIPAC [American Israel Public Affairs
Committee] is only a part of the Israeli lobby, but in terms of
having a direct effect on public policy it is clearly the most
important. The organization has deepened and extended its influence
in recent years. It is no overstatement to say that AIPAC has
effectively gained control of virtually all of Capitol Hill's action
on Middle East policy. Almost without exception, House and Senate
members do its bidding, because most of them consider AIPAC to be the
direct Capitol Hill representative of a political force that can make
or break their chances at election time.
Whether based on fact or fancy, the
perception is what counts: AIPAC means power-raw, intimidating power.
Its promotional literature regularly cites a tribute published in the
New York Times: "The most powerful, best-run and effective
foreign policy interest group in Washington." A former
congressman, Paul N. "Pete" McCloskey, puts it more
directly: Congress is "terrorized" by AIPAC.
Don Beraus, former ambassador to Sudan
an retired career diplomat
At the State Department we used to predict
that if Israel's prime minister should announce that the world is
flat, within twenty-four hours Congress would pass a resolution
congratulating him on the discovery.
an Ohio congressman
AIPAC [American Israel Public Affairs
Committee] is the most influential lobby on Capitol Hill... But what
distresses me is the inability of American policy makers, because of
the influence of AIPAC, to distinguish between our national interest
and Israel's national interest.
after AIPAC [American Israel Public
Affairs Committee] blocked a $1.6 billion arms sale to Jordan King
Hussein complained
The United States is not free to move except
within the limits of what AIPAC, the Zionists, and the State of
Israel determine for it.
Representative Paul "Pete"
McCloskey, in an article for the New York Times, 1982
If the United States is to work effectively
toward peace in the Mideast, the power of this lobby [AIPAC] must be
recognized and countered in open and fair debate. I had hoped that
the American Jewish community had matured to the point where its
lobbying efforts could be described and debated without raising the
red flag of anti-Semitism...
J. William Fulbright - The Dissenter
"When all of us are dead, the only one
they'll remember is Bill Fulbright." The tribute by Idaho
Senator Frank Church, a fellow Democrat, was amply justified. As much
as any man of his time, J. William Fulbright shaped this nation's
attitudes on the proper exercise of its power in a world made acutely
dangerous by nuclear weapons. Dissent was a hallmark of his career,
but it was dissent with distinction. The fact was that Fulbright was
usually right.
He first gained national attention by
condemning the "swinish blight" of McCarthyism." In
1954, while many Americans cheered the crusade of the Wisconsin
senator's Permanent Investigations Subcommittee, Fulbright cast the
lone vote against a measure to continue the subcommittee's funding.
Because of this vote, he was accused of being "a communist, a
fellow traveler, an atheist, [and] a man beneath contempt.""
Fulbright opposed U.S. intervention in Cuba
in 1961 and in the Dominican Republic four years later, and was ahead
of his time in calling for détente with the Soviet Union and a
diplomatic opening with China. When he proposed a different system
for selecting presidents, an offended Harry Truman called him "that
overeducated Oxford s.o.b." Twenty-five years later, in 1974,
the New York Times recognized Fulbright as "the most outspoken
critic of American foreign policy of this generation.
His deepest and most abiding interest was the
advancement of international understanding through education, and
thousands of young people have broadened their vision through the
scholarships that bear his name. 46 But Fulbright also became well
known for his outspoken opposition to the Vietnam War as "an
endless, futile war... debilitating and indecent"-a stand that
put him at odds with a former colleague and close friend, President
Lyndon B. Johnson. President Johnson believed that America was
embarked on a noble mission in Southeast Asia against an
international communist conspiracy. Fulbright put no stock in the
conspiracy theory, feared the war might broaden into a showdown with
China, and saw it as an exercise in "the arrogance of power."
In 1963 Fulbright chaired an investigation
that brought to public attention the exceptional tax treatment of
contributions to Israel and aroused the ire of the Jewish community."
The investigation was managed by Walter Pincus, a journalist
Fulbright hired after reading a Pincus study of lobbying. Pincus
recalls that Fulbright gave him a free hand, letting him choose the
ten prime lobbying activities to be examined and backing him
throughout the controversial investigation. One of the groups chosen
by Pincus, himself Jewish, was the Jewish Telegraph Agency, which was
at that time a principal instrument of the Israeli lobby. Both
Fulbright and Pincus were accused of trying to destroy the Jewish
Telegraph Agency and of being anti-Semitic."
Pincus remembers, "Several senators
urged that the inquiry into the Jewish operation be dropped. Senators
Hubert Humphrey and Bourke Hickenlooper [senior Republican on the
Foreign Relations Committee] were among them. Fuibright refused."
The Fuibright hearings also exposed massive
funding illegally channeled into the American Zionist Council by
Israel." More than five million dollars had been secretly poured
into the council for spending on public relations firms and
pro-Israel propaganda before Fulbright's committee closed down the
Despite his concern over the pro-Israeli
lobby, Fulbright took the exceptional step of recommending that the
United States guarantee Israeli's borders." In a major address
in 1970 he proposed an American-Israeli treaty, under which the
United States would commit itself to intervene militarily if
necessary to "guarantee the territory and independence of
Israel" within the lands it held before the 1967 war. The
treaty, he said, should be a supplement to a peace settlement
arranged by the United Nations. The purpose of his proposal was to
destroy the arguments of those who maintained that Israel needed the
captured territory for its security.
Fulbright saw Israel's withdrawal from the
Arab lands it occupied in the 1967 war as the key to peace: Israel
could not occupy Arab territory and have peace too. He said that
Israeli policy in establishing settlements on the territories "has
been characterized by lack of flexibility and foresight."
Discounting early threats by some Arab leaders to destroy the state
of Israel, Fuibright noted that both President Nasser of the United
Arab Republic and King Hussein of Jordan had in effect repudiated
such Draconian threats, "but the Israelis seem not to have
noticed the disavowals."
During the 1970s Fulbright repeatedly took
exception to the contention that the Middle East crisis was a test of
American resolve against Soviet interventionism. In 1971 he accused
Israel of "communist-baiting humbuggery" and argued that
continuing Middle East tension, in fact, only benefited Soviet
Appearing on CBS television's Face the Nation
in 1973, Fulbright declared that the Senate was "subservient"
to Israeli policies that were inimical to American interests."
He said that the United States bore "a very great share of the
responsibility" for the continuation of Middle East violence.
"It's quite obvious [that] without the all-out support by the
United States in money and weapons and so on, the Israelis couldn't
do what they've been doing."
Fuibright said that the United States failed
to pressure Israel for a negotiated settlement, because:
The great majority of the Senate of the
United States-somewhere around 80 percent-are completely in support
of Israel, anything Israel wants. This has been demonstrated time and
time again, and this has made it difficult for our government.
The senator claimed that "Israel
controls the Senate" and warned, "We should be more
concerned about the United States' interests." Six weeks after
his Face the Nation appearance, Fulbright again expressed alarm over
Israeli occupation of Arab territories." He charged that the
United States had given Israel "unlimited support for unlimited
His criticism of Israeli policy caused
stirrings back home. 17 Jews who had supported him in the past became
restless. After years of easy election victories, trouble loomed for
Fuibright in 1974. Encouraged, in part, by the growing Jewish
disenchantment with Fuibright, on the eve of the deadline for filing
petitions of candidacy in the Democratic primary Governor Dale
Bumpers surprised the political world by becoming a challenger for
Fuibright's Senate seat. Fulbright hadn't expected the governor to
run, but recognized immediately that the popular young governor posed
a serious challenge: "He had lots of hair [in contrast to
Fulbright], he looked good on television, and he'd never done
anything to offend anyone."
There were other factors. Walter Pincus, who
later became a Washington Post reporter, believed that Fulbright's
decision to take a golfing holiday in Bermuda just before the primary
deadline may have helped convince Bumpers that Fulbright would not
work hard for the nomination. It was also the year of Watergate-a bad
year for incumbents. In his campaign, Bumpers pointed with alarm to
the "mess in Washington" and called for a change. The New
York Times reported that he "skillfully exploited an old feeling
that Mr. Fulbright ... spent all his time dining with Henry Kissinger
and fretting over the Middle East.
The attitude of Jewish voters, both inside
Arkansas and beyond, was also a significant factor. "I don't
think Bumpers would have run without that encouragement," said
Fulbright. Following the election, a national Jewish organization
actually claimed credit for the young governor's stunning upset
victory. Fulbright had a copy of a memorandum circulated in May 1974
to the national board of directors of B'nai B'rith. Marked
"confidential," the memo from Secretary-General Herman
Edelsberg, announced that ". . . all of the indications suggest
that our actions in support of Governor Bumpers will result in the
ousting of Mr. Fulbright from his key position in the Senate. "6'
Edelsberg later rejected the memorandum as "phony."
Following his defeat, Fulbright continued to
speak out, decrying Israeli stubbornness and warning of the Israeli
lobby. In a speech just before the end of his Senate term, he warned,
"Endlessly pressing the United States for money and arms-and
invariably getting all and more than she asks-Israel makes bad use of
a good friend." His central concern was that the Middle East
conflict might flare into nuclear war. 64 He warned somberly that
"Israel's supporters in the United States ... by ) underwriting
intransigence, are encouraging a course which must lead toward her
destruction-and just possibly ours as well."
Pondering the future from his office three
blocks north of the White House on a bright winter day in 1983,
Fulbright saw little hope that Capitol Hill would effectively
challenge the Israeli lobby:
It's suicide for politicians to oppose them.
The only possibility would be someone like Eisenhower, who already
feels secure. Eisenhower had already made his reputation. He was
already a great man in the eyes of the country, and he wasn't afraid
of anybody. He said what he believed."
Then he added a somewhat more optimistic
note: "I believe a president could do this. He wouldn't have to
be named Eisenhower." Fulbright cited a missed opportunity:
I went to Jerry Ford after he took office in
1975. I was out of office then. I had been to the Middle East and
visited with some of the leading figures. I came back and told the
president, 'Look, I think these [Arab] leaders are willing to accept
Israel, but the Israelis have got to go back to the 1967 borders. The
problem can be solved if you are willing to take a position on it.
Fulbright predicted that the American people
would back Ford if he demanded that Israel cooperate. He reminded him
that Eisenhower was reelected by a large margin immediately after he
forced Israel to withdraw after invading Egypt:
Taking a stand against Israel didn't hurt
Eisenhower. He carried New York with its big Jewish population. I
told Ford I didn't think he would be defeated if he put it the right
way. He should say Israel had to go back to the 1967 borders; if it
didn't, no more arms or money. That's just the way Eisenhower did it.
And Israel would have to cooperate. And politically, in the coming
campaign, I told him he should say he was for Israel, but he was for
America first.
Ford, Fuibright recalled, listened
courteously but was noncommittal. "Of course he didn't take my
advice," said Fulbright. Yet his determination in the face of
such disappointment echoes through one of his last statements as a
U.S. senator:
History casts no doubt at all on the ability
of human beings to deal rationally with their problems, but the
greatest doubt on their will to do so. The signals of the past are
thus clouded and ambiguous, suggesting hope but not confidence in the
triumph of reason. With nothing to lose in any event, it seems well
worth a try. 66
Fulbright died on February 9, 1995, ending
one of the most illustrious careers in American politics. Reared in
the segregationist South, he left an imposing legacy as a fearless,
scholarly, and determined champion of human rights at home and
journalist Charles Bartlett about JFK
[JFK] said if he ever did get to be
president, he would push for a law that would subsidize presidential
campaigns out of the U.S. Treasury. He added that whatever the cost
of this subsidy, it would insulate future presidential candidates
from ... [financial] pressure and save the country a lot of grief in
the long run.
Secretary of State John Foster Dulles
to Henry Luce, owner of Time magazine
I am aware how almost impossible it is in
this country to carry out a foreign policy not approved by the Jews.
Not only do Israel's American supporters have
powerful influence with many members of the Congress, but practically
no actions touching Israel's interests can be taken, or even
discussed, within the executive branch without it being quickly known
to the Israeli government.
... Israelis have been so long conditioned to
expect that Americans will support their country, no matter how often
it disregards American advice and protests and America's own
George Ball, former deputy secretary
of state under two presidents and former US ambassador to the United
Nations, in an article in the Washington Post, 1977
When leading members of the American Jewish
community give [Israel's] government uncritical arid unqualified
approbation and encouragement for whatever it chooses to do, while
striving so far as possible to overwhelm any criticism of its actions
in Congress and in the public media, they are, in my view, doing
neither themselves nor the United States a favor.
George Ball, former deputy secretary
of state under two presidents and former US ambassador to the United
Nations, in an article in the Washington Post, 1977
[President Ronald Reagan] did not demand, as
he should have done under the law, that we would exact the penalties
provided unless the Israelis stopped murdering civilians with the
weapons we had provided them solely for self-defense. Instead he
bought them off by committing our own marines to maintain order while
we persuaded the PLO leaders to leave rather than face martyrdom.
Les Janka, a former deputy assistant
secretary of defense who is a specialist in Middle East policy
You have to understand that the Israelis
operate in the Pentagon very professionally, and in an omnipresent
way. They have enough of their people who understand our system well,
and they have made friends at all levels, from top to bottom. They
just interact with the system in a constant, continuous way that
keeps the pressure on.
a Newsweek article, 1979
With the help of American Jews in and out of
government, the Mossad looks for any softening in U.S. support and
tries to get any technical intelligence the administration is
unwilling to give to Israel. "The Mossad can go to any
distinguished American Jew and ask for his help," says a former
CIA agent. The appeal is a simple one: "When the call went out
and no one heeded it, the Holocaust resulted." The United States
tolerates the Mossad's operations on American soil partly because of
reluctance to anger the American Jewish community.
a senior State Department official
who held the high career positions related to the Middle East, 1979
I urged several times that the United States
quit trying to keep secrets from Israel. Let them have everything.
They always get what they want anyway. When we try to keep secrets,
it always backfires.
a secret analysis prepared by the CIA
in 1979 titled 'Israel: Foreign Intelligence and Security Services'
In carrying out its mission to collect
positive intelligence, the principal function of the Mossad is to
conduct agent operations against the Arab nations and their official
representatives and installations throughout the world, particularly
in Western Europe and the United States .... Objectives in Western
countries are equally important (as in the USSR and East Europe) to
the Israeli intelligence service. The Mossad collects intelligence
regarding Western, Vatican, and UN policies toward the Near East;
promotes arms deals for the benefit of the IDF; and acquires data for
silencing anti-Israel factions in the West.
a secret analysis prepared by the CIA
in 1979 titled 'Israel: Foreign Intelligence and Security Services'
Mossad activities are generally conducted
through Israeli official and semiofficial establishments - deep cover
enterprises in the form of firms and organizations, some especially
created for, or adaptable to, a specific objective-and penetrations
effected within non-Zionist national and international Jewish
organizations .... Official organizations used for cover are: Israeli
purchasing missions and Israeli government tourist offices, El Al,
and Zim offices. Israeli construction firms, industrial groups and
international trade organizations also provide nonofficial cover.
Individuals working under deep or illegal cover are normally charged
with penetrating objectives that require a long-range, more subtle
approach, or with activities in which the Israeli government can
never admit complicity.
a secret analysis prepared by the CIA
in 1979 titled 'Israel: Foreign Intelligence and Security Services'
In addition to the large-scale acquisition of
published scientific papers and technical journals from all over the
world through overt channel he Israelis devote a considerable portion
of their covert operations to obtaining scientific and technical
intelligence. This had included attempts to penetrate certain
classified defense projects in the United States and other Western
The Israeli security authorities (in Israel)
also seek evidence of illicit love affairs which can be used as
leverage to enlist cooperation. In one instance, Shin Bet (the
domestic Israeli intelligence agency) tried to penetrate the U.S.
Consulate General in Jerusalem through a clerical employee who was
having an affair with a Jerusalem girl. They rigged a fake abortion
case against the employee in an unsuccessful effort to recruit him.
Before this attempt at blackmail, they had tried to get the Israeli
girl to elicit information from her boyfriend.
a senior official in the Department
of State, 1980
We have to assume that they have wiretaps all
over town. In my work I frequently pick up highly sensitive
information coming back to me in conversations with people who have
no right to have these secrets.
To strike back at government
officials considered to be unsympathetic to Israeli needs, the
pro-Israel lobby singles them out for personal attack and even the
wrecking of their careers. In January 1977 a broad-scale purge was
attempted immediately after the inauguration of President Carter. The
perpetrator was Senator Richard Stone of Florida, a Democrat, a
passionate supporter of Israel."' When he was newly installed as
chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on the Middle East, he brought
along with him a "hit list." In his view, fifteen officials
were not sufficiently supportive of Israel and its weapons needs, and
he wanted them transferred to positions where their views would
create no problems for Israel. Marked for removal were William
Quandt, Brzezinski's assistant for Middle East matters, and Les
Janka, who had served on the National Security Council under Ford.
The others were career military officers, most of them colonels.
Stone's demands were rejected by Brzezinski. According to a senior
White House official, "after pressing reasonably hard for
several days," the senator gave up. Although unsuccessful, his
demands caused a stir. One officer says, "I find it very ironic
that a U.S. senator goes to a U.S. president's national security
adviser and tells him to fire Americans for insufficient loyalty to
another country."
John C. West, US ambassador to Saudi
Arabia in 1979
We would never put anything in any cable what
was critical of Israel. Still, because of the grapevine, there was
never any secret from the government of Israel. The Israelis knew
everything, usually by the time it got to Washington.
Admiral Thomas Moorer recalls a
dramatic example of Israeli lobby power from his days as chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff. At the time of the 1973 Arab-Israeli war,
Mordecai Gur, the defense attaché at the Israeli embassy who
later became commander-in-chief of Israeli forces, came to Moorer
demanding that the United States provide Israel with aircraft that
were equipped with a high technology air-to-surface anti-tank missile
called the Maverick. At the time, the U.S. had only one squadron so
equipped. Moorer recalled telling Gur:
I can't let you have those aircraft. We have
just one squadron. Besides, we've been testifying before the
Congress, convincing them we need this equipment. If we gave you our
only squadron, Congress would raise hell with us.
Moorer looked at me with a steady, piercing
gaze that must have kept a generation of ensigns trembling in their
boots. "And do you know what he said? Gur told me, 'You get us
the airplanes; I'll take care of the Congress." Moorer paused,
then added, "And he did." America's only squadron equipped
with Mavericks went to Israel.
Moorer, speaking in his office in Washington
as a senior counselor at the Georgetown University Center for
Strategic and International Studies, said he strongly opposed the
transfer but was overruled by "political expediency at the
presidential level." He notes that President Richard Nixon was
then in the throes of Watergate. "But," he added:
I've never seen a president - I don't care
who he is - stand up to them [the Israelis]. It just boggles your
mind. They always get what they want. The Israelis know what is going
on all the time. I got to the point where I wasn't writing anything
down. If the American people understood what a grip those people have
got on our government, they would rise up in arms. Our citizens don't
have any idea what goes on.
A former high-ranking official in
security affairs cited the intimidating effect of this procession on
career specialists:
When you have to explain your position day
after day, week after week, to American Jewish groups-first, say,
from Kansas City, then Chicago, then East Overshoe-you see what you
are up against. These are people from different parts of the country,
but they come in with the very same information, the same set of
questions, the same criticism. They know what you have done even in
private meetings. They will say, "Mr. Smith, we understand that
in interagency meetings, you frequently take a hard line against
technology transfers to Israel. We'd like you to explain yourself."
They keep you on the defensive.
a State Department official
One has to keep in mind the constant
character of this [Jewish] pressure. The public affairs staff of the
Near East Bureau in the State Department figures it will spend about
75 percent of its time dealing with Jewish groups. Hundreds of such
groups get appointments in the executive branch each year.
In a 1986 statement to the press,
Israeli Embassy spokesman Yossi Gal said
The [Jonathan] Pollard [spy] affair was an
unauthorized deviation from the clear-cut Israeli policy of not
conducting any espionage activity whatsoever in the United States or
activities against the interests of the United States, given that the
United States is a true friend of Israel.
a U.S. government official
The Mossad is the most active foreign
intelligence service on U.S. soil.
reporter Charles Babcock of the
Washington Post
[The] remarkable intelligence harvest [for
Israel] is provided largely not by paid agents, but by an unofficial
network of sympathetic American officials who work in the Pentagon,
the State Department, congressional offices, the National Security
Council, and even the U.S. intelligence agencies.
a 1996 U.S. government report
[Israel] conducts the most aggressive
espionage operation against the United States of any U.S. ally.
In 1979 AIPAC established its
Political Leadership Development Program (PLDP), which trains student
activists on how to increase pro-Israeli influence on campus.
... In 1983 AIPAC distributed to students and
faculty around the country a ten-page questionnaire on political
activism on their campuses. Its instructions included: "Please
name any individual faculty who assist anti-Israel groups. How is
this assistance offered? What are the propaganda themes?" The
survey results formed the body of the AIPAC College Guide: Exposing
the Anti-Israel Campaign on Campus, published in April 1984. While
AIPAC claimed to respect the right of all to free speech, number
eight on its list of ten suggested "modes of response" to
pro-Palestinian events or speakers on campus reads: "Attempt to
Number ten on the same list is "creative
packaging." Edward Said, a professor of comparative literature
at Columbia University who frequently speaks on campuses in support
of the Palestinian cause, described a case of "creative
packaging" at the University of Washington, where he spoke in
early 1983:
They stood at the door of the auditorium and
distributed a blue leaflet that seemed like a program, but it was in
fact a denunciation of me as a "terrorist." There were
quotations from the PLO, and things that I had said were mixed in
with things they claimed the PLO had said about murdering Jews. The
idea was to intimidate me and to intimidate the audience from
Said reported another experience at the
University of Florida, where the group protesting Said's talk was led
by a professor of philosophy:
They [pro-Israel student activists organized
by AIPAC] tried to disrupt the meeting and the professor finally had
to be taken out by the police. It was one of the ugliest things - not
just heckling, but interrupting and standing up and shouting. It's
pure fascism, outright hooliganism.
Noam Chomsky was leaked a copy of his
ADL [Anti-Defamation League] file which contained about a hundred
pages of material
Virtually every talk I give is monitored [by
the ADL] and reports of their alleged contents (sometimes
ludicrously, even comically distorted) are sent on to the
[Anti-Defamation] League, to be incorporated in my file.
When I give a talk at a university or
elsewhere, it is common for a group to distribute literature,
invariably unsigned, containing a collection of attacks on me spiced
with "quotes" (generally fabricated) from what I am alleged
to have said here and there. I have no doubt that the source is the
ADL, and / often the people distributing the unsigned literature
acknowledge the fact. These practices are vicious and serve to
intimidate many people. They are, of course, not illegal. If the ADL
chooses to behave in this fashion, it has a right to do so, but this
should also be exposed.
Francis A. Boyle, a professor of
international law at the University of Illinois, advised the
Palestinian delegation to the Middle East peace negotiations in
Washington, D.C., from 1991 to 1993 - urging the Palestinians to
reject what became the Oslo Accords
They are offering you a Bantustan. As you
know, the Israelis had very close relations with the Afrikaner
Apartheid regime in South Africa. It appears they have studied the
Bantustan system quite closely. So it is a Bantustan that they are
offering you.
Francis A. Boyle, a professor of
international law at the University of Illinois
There are 149 substantive articles of the
Fourth Geneva Convention that protect the rights of almost every one
of these Palestinians living in occupied Palestine. The Israeli
government is currently violating, and has been since 1967, almost
each and every one of these.
Francis A. Boyle, a professor of
international law at the University of Illinois
It can be fairly said that U.S. Middle East
policy has not shown one iota of respect for international law.
Francis A. Boyle, a professor of
international law at the University of Illinois
I have been accused of being everything but a
child molester because of my public support for the Palestinian
people. I have seen every known principle of academic integrity and
academic freedom violated in order to suppress the basic rights of
the Palestinian people. In fact, there is no such thing as academic
integrity and academic freedom in the United States when it comes to
asserting the rights of the Palestinian people under international
Jerry Falwell
I don't think America could turn its back on
the people of Israel and survive. God deals with nations in relation
to how those nations deal with the Jews.
A scholarly study by Vincent James
Abramo a veteran federal employee showed that the settlements are
deep rooted in religion. A little-noted factor in the Middle East
imbroglio is the rising power of ultraorthodox Jews in Israeli and
U.S. politics. Their core beliefs demand implacable opposition to the
establishment of an independent Palestinian state on any part of the
West Bank, part of the area seized by Israeli forces in the June 1967
Arab-Israeli war and identified in the Bible as Judea and Samara.
Ultra-orthodox interpretations of Judaic law that are found in the
Torah, Talmud, and Halakhah prohibit Jews from sharing power with
non-Jews in the "Land of Israel."
In April 2002, a convention of Sharon's Likud
Party voted to oppose Palestinian statehood. The vote was seen as an
appeal for continued support from ultraorthodox Jews and as an
intra-party victory for former Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, who
was expected to oppose Sharon in the next Israeli election. Always a
factor in Israeli politics, orthodox Jews became a powerhouse in the
past decade. In his study of Orthodox Judaism, Abramo wrote: "The
success of the religious parties in the 1996 and 1999 Israeli
national elections vastly increased the influence of orthodox Jews in
the Israeli political process. Politically influential and highly
visible orthodox rabbis seek to convince Israel's religiously
observant Jews that the Messiah will not arrive until Jews establish
themselves as sole rulers in the biblical Land of Israel. They
believe that any governmental compromise to return biblical lands to
the Palestinians in exchange for a peace agreement is, in the eyes of
God, a treacherous and punishable act. The orthodox are committed to
derailing all Israeli government and international peace initiatives
that would force them to give up any part of Jewish sovereignty,
political autonomy, and administrative control over all of Israel's
biblical land." Abramo estimated that 20 percent of Israel's
Jewish population is committed to these beliefs and ideology. This
small percentage has proved adequate to be decisive in close
Orthodox Jews promoted the expansion of
settlements and sanctioned violent acts by Jewish extremists. The
Orthodox goal is simply the expulsion of the Palestinians from the
West Bank. The late Professor Israel Shahak, a survivor of a Nazi
concentration camp who became a leading champion of Palestinian
rights, wrote of Orthodox leaders: "All were outwardly dovish
but employed formulas which could be manipulated in the most extreme
anti-Arab sense." In 1993, they mobilized against the Oslo
Accords, which contemplated an eventual Palestinian state in the West
Bank. They can be expected to marshal all possible resources against
U.S. pressure for a Palestine state.
The ruthless tactics employed by Israel's
right-wing Orthodox parties assure that they will remain a major
factor in Israeli politics for years to come, no matter what Israeli
party coalitions may be established.
Abramo warned of possible Jewish violence in
the United States: "Continued U.S. pressure to compromise on
East Jerusalem, the Temple Mount, and the right of return for an
estimated 3.2 million Palestinians creates a scenario that could see
the United States as a potential target of Jewish extremism in the
Aramo deplored the U.S. tendency to perceive
Israel "as a likeminded country with similar democratic values."
He warned, "This mirror-imaging has proven to be dangerous and
misleading, because it deflects attention away from the powerful
undercurrent of [orthodox Jewish] religion as a driving force in
Israeli political life."
Every government of Israel gives high
priority to maintaining unity among U.S. Jews. This unity is regarded
as a main line of Israel's defense-second in importance only to the
Israeli army-and essential to retaining the support that Israel must
have from the United States government.
American Jews are made to feel guilty about
enjoying safety and the good life in the United States while their
fellow Jews in Israel hold the ramparts, pay high taxes, and fight
wars. As Rabbi Balfour Brickner stated: "We hide behind the
argument that it is not for us to speak our minds because the
Israelis have to pay the price." One Jewish reporter attributed
Jewish silence to an organized enforcement campaign: "I have
often been told-verbally, in Jewish publications and in synagogues -
that even if I have doubts about the Israeli government and its
treatment of Palestinians, I should keep quiet about it and be
steadfast in my support of a nation that needs to exist."
For most Jews, open criticism of Israeli
policy is unthinkable. The theme is survival - survival of the
Zionist dream, of Judaism, of Jews themselves.
Roberta. Strauss Feuerlicht in a book
that was critical of Israel "The Fate of the Jews"
Opposition to Zionism or criticism of Israel
is now heresy and cause for excommunication.
Roberta. Strauss Feuerlicht in a book
that was critical of Israel "The Fate of the Jews"
Israel shields itself from legitimate
criticism by calling her critics anti-Semitic; it is a form of
McCarthyism and fatally effective.
Paul Findley
In my [Paul Findley] twenty-two years in
Congress, I can recall no entry in the Congressional Record that
discloses a speech that was critical of Israeli policy and was
presented by a Jewish member of the House or Senate. Jewish members
may voice discontent in private conversation but never on the public
record. Only a few Jewish academicians, such as Noam Chomsky, a
distinguished linguist, have spoken out. Most of those are, like
Chomsky, protected in their careers by tenure and are thus able to
become controversial without jeopardizing their positions.
Richard Cohen of the Washington Post,
during Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon
[In the U.S.] dissent becomes treason - and
treason not to a state or even an ideal (Zionism), but to a people.
There is tremendous pressure for conformity, to show a united front
and to adopt the view that what is best for Israel is something only
the government there can know.
Richard Cohen of the Washington Post,
in an April 2002 editorial in the Washington Post entitled "Who's
Here [in the U.S.] criticism of Israel,
particularly anti-Zionism, is equated with anti-Semitism. The
Anti-Defamation League, one of the most important Jewish
organizations, comes right out and says so. "Anti-Zionism is
showing its true colors as deep-rooted anti-Semitism," the
organization says.
Richard Cohen of the Washington Post,
in an April 2002 editorial in the Washington Post entitled "Who's
To protest living conditions on the West Bank
is not anti-Semitism. To condemn the increasing encroachment of
Jewish settlements is not anti-Semitism.
Nahum Goldmann, played a crucial role
in the founding of Israel, in 1980
The time may not be far off when American
public opinion will be sick and tired of the demands of Israel and
the aggressiveness of American Jewry.
I.F. Stone
The Jewish people are apprehensive, fearful.
They are afraid about the future. They feel they are at war, and many
of them feel they have to fight and keep fighting.
I.F. Stone
Finding an American publishing house willing
to publish a book that departs from the standard Israeli line is
about as easy as selling a thoughtful exposition of atheism to the
Osservatore Romano in Vatican City.
[The] deep attachment to Israel began
as soon as the state carne into being fifty-four years ago. Backed by
a small but passionately committed minority of America's Jews,
augmented later by growing groups of fundamentalist Christians, the
lobby of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)
steadily strengthened its manipulation of U.S. political institutions
into unconditional support of Israel's subjugation of the Palestinian
people and the forcible takeover of Arab land. This transition
occurred with little awareness by the American people, except those
of Arab ancestry and Muslim affiliation.
Throughout the years, America's national
leaders acted as if they were oblivious of the violations of
international law perpetrated against the Palestinians by every
Israeli government since the creation of the Jewish state. With only
two brief exceptions years ago when the U.S. government sold military
aircraft to Saudi Arabia, Israel's lobby always got what it wanted.
After 9/11, lobby influence was nowhere more
apparent than on Capitol Hill. Even as evidence of worldwide outrage
against U.S. complicity with Israel's assault on the West Bank and
Gaza mounted, a large majority of members of both the House of
Representatives and the Senate remained beholden to AIPAC. They
blocked any fair and open discussion of the U.S. national interest on
Middle East policies, giving their allegiance on these issues to
AIPAC, rather than to their home constituencies.
Capitol Hill is truly
Israeli-occupied territory.
Capitol Hill is truly
Israeli-occupied territory. Members of Congress are well informed
about the true interests of the United States in the Middle East, but
they are so intimidated they obey lobby direction [AIPAC]. Based on
my long, intimate experience in the Capitol Hill legislative process,
I believe that most of those who cast affirmative votes on the
resolutions privately resented being pressured by AIPAC and were
embarrassed by having to vote against U.S. interests. Scores of times
over the years, I have sat in committee and in the chamber of the
House of Representatives as my colleagues behaved, as an
undersecretary of state once described them, like "trained
poodles" jumping through hoops held for them by AIPAC.
Why, in the wake of 9/11, did no one
ponder the question "why?" Why did America and its leaders
remain silent about Arab and Muslim grievances?
Perhaps it was partly, if not mostly, because
Muslims are often considered "different," if not dangerous,
by the general public-most of whom, I must add, have never knowingly
met a Muslim or read a verse from the Qur'an. In research done for my
book, Silent No More, I learned that Muslims were unfairly linked
with terrorism long before 9/11. Misperceptions of Muslims as being
less than human were nurtured by heavy television coverage of the
suicide bombings in Israel that were carried out by individual
Palestinian Muslims, while scenes of Palestinian suffering and death
seldom reached American homes. Few Americans seemed aware that
Palestinians had no weapons to defend themselves against heavily
armed Israeli forces marauding through the West Bank and Gaza.
From its founding in 1948, Israel's
government has treated Palestinians as inferior human beings that it
was entitled to subjugate. Years ago, Israeli Prime Minister Golda
Meir even denied that a Palestinian nationality existed. Her denial
buttressed the fiction that Israel came into being in 1948 in "a
land without people," a false notion that has been kept alive
ever since in Israeli schoolbooks. Even the Palestinians, who can
vote in Israeli elections, are set apart from Jewish citizens: Their
cars display distinctive license plates. They are denied important
social services. They have difficulty buying any real estate and, in
effect, can live only in restricted residential areas. They are
rarely able to secure construction and remodeling permits while Jews
receive them without delay.
This process of colonial domination and
intellectual brutality advanced the destruction of the Palestinian
national identity in the perception of the American people:
Palestinians are not viewed as human beings struggling for freedom;
they are portrayed as anti-Jewish terrorists who hate freedom.
Columbia University professor Edward Said, born in Palestine, called
Israel's treatment of Palestinians "dehumanization on a vast
scale." He added, "The intellectual suppression of the
Palestinians that has occurred because of Zionist education has
produced an unreflecting, dangerously skewed sense of reality in
which whatever Israel does it does as a victim .... This has nothing
to do with reality, obviously enough, but rather with a kind of
hallucinatory state that overrides history and facts with a supreme
unthinking narcissism."
The U.S. media played a role in
America's failure to explore and address Arab grievances. After 9/11,
several television commentators rejected as "appeasement of
terrorists" steps that would take Arab grievances into
consideration. Their reasoning for this was the invariably uttered
sound bite: "That is exactly what the terrorists want us to do."
To the commentators, responding to legitimate grievances would be
tantamount to caving in to the enemy. Except for a few dissenting
voices, the misinformed American people seemed to agree.
Any gesture of fairness to Arabs
would be widely misconstrued as hostility toward Israel, and this, in
turn, would lead to accusations of anti-Semitism. Speaking up for
Arab rights could lead to all kinds of personal losses-businesses,
friendships, even social standing. Almost everyone could find an
excuse to stay quietly on the sidelines.
James J. David of Marietta, Georgia,
a brigadier general in the Georgia National Guard who had extensive
experience in Middle East as a U.S. Army officer, in an article,
October 2001
The cause of this terrorism [9-11] is our
involvement in and support of the criminal behavior of the Israeli
government. You can be certain that you will not hear this accusation
from the controlled media, but nevertheless, let the truth be known
.... The Palestinians and many of their Arab allies have been targets
of a half-century of unrelenting Israeli terrorism .... Every
Palestinian and Arab is aware that Israel's ... terror could never
have occurred without the active financial, military, and diplomatic
support of the United States. That is why the Arabs hate us, and that
is why they are trying to strike back at us.
James J. David of Marietta, Georgia,
a brigadier general in the Georgia National Guard who had extensive
experience in Middle East as a U.S. Army officer, in an article,
January 2002
The United States' generous handouts to the
Jewish state have done nothing but bring more turmoil and violence to
the Middle East and to the soil of the United States. If America
wants peace in the Middle East and is serious about fighting world
terrorism, then it's time to get tough with Israel and end all
military and economic aid to the Jewish state.
William Pfaff, International Herald
Tribune columnist, September 13, 2001
The only real defense against external attack
is a courageous effort to find political solutions for national and
ideological conflicts that involve the United States for more than
thirty years, the United States has refused to make a genuinely
impartial effort to find a resolution to the Mideast conflict. If
current speculation about these attacks [9-11] is true, and they do
indeed have their genesis in the Israeli-Palestinian struggle, the
United States has now been awarded its share in that Middle East
Charley Reese, a syndicated columnist
I hope you don't believe the fairy tale that
we were attacked because of our wealth or freedom... That is
disinformation. We were attacked and will be attacked as long as we
support Israel's aggression and occupation of other people and their
lands. Personally, I am deeply angered that people I love might / die
one day just because a bunch of politicians have their hands in the
pockets of the Israeli lobby. That is a sordid, stupid, and useless
reason for any American to die.
Nurit Peled-Eichanan, Israeli
lecturer and former Israel Knesset member
When you put people under border closure,
when you humiliate, starve, and suppress them, when you raze their
villages and demolish homes, when they grow up in garbage and in
holding pens, that's what happens. Don't blame the extremist group
Hamas. We are nurturing the Hamas by what we are doing.
If the United States had refused
partnership in Israel's crimes against the Palestinians and other
Arabs, would Israel have been able to maintain its subjugation of the
Palestinian people decade after decade? Any fair analysis would yield
an answer in the negative. In the absence of unconditional U.S.
support, Israel would have discarded its ambitions for "Greater
Israel" and negotiated the terms of peaceful coexistence with
its neighbors years ago.
Would America have suffered 9/11? My answer
is no. All evidence that is available today points to 9/11 as being
the crime of disaffected Arabs, mainly Saudis, led by Osama bin
Laden. According to bin Laden, they were outraged by what he
described as the corrupting influence of the United States on the
Middle East, particularly its support of Israel's subjugation of
Palestinian human rights. If these "corrupting influences"
did not exist, and if the U.S. government had dealt with Israel in a
normal, traditional way by demanding specific standards of conduct in
exchange for U.S. aid, America, in effect, would have blocked
Israel's illegal campaign of territorial aggrandizement and retained
its great Arab reservoir of goodwill. Barring the absence of some
anti-Arab blunder in U.S. policy, Arab terrorists would have no
reason to attack the United States.
Of course, the United States government has
not refused partnership with Israel. On the contrary, every president
and every Congress over the years have reiterated loyal,
unconditional support of Israel. These statements are usually cast as
assurances of undying support for that nation's security, with no
reference to the need of Palestinians for security. Those serving in
Congress often publicly declare Israel's right to exist within secure
borders, and they probably do so more frequently than they repeat the
pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States.
I have yet to hear any member of Congress
declare the right of Palestinians to exist within secure borders.
America's descent into intimate
involvement in Israel's unlawful activities advanced step by step,
beginning in 1967. The most basic, fundamental cause of this dreadful
decline is the lobby's greatest success: the elimination of free,
open, unfettered discussion in the United States about what U.S.
policy in the Middle East should be. Israelis enjoy free, rigorous
debate of Middle East policy in their parliament, media, and private
life, but Israel's U.S. lobby has stifled all such debate in America
for nearly forty years.
With few exceptions, members of
Congress, presidents, the nation's editorial writers, the ( clergy,
and the nation's vast array of nongovernmental advocacy organizations
have been afraid to speak out. I cannot recall any of the major \
political players in Washington even noting the absence of unfettered
debate. They were afraid to challenge Israel or its U.S. lobby at any
level / for fear of being called anti-Semitic. The operative word was
By supporting Israel unconditionally,
America turned its back on long-cherished ideals and principles. As
expressed in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S.
Constitution, all Americans are pledged to stand against bigotry and
intolerance and for the rule of law, equal justice for all, and due
process even for the most despicable people among us. Instead, year
after year, our government has helped Israel violate each of these